Kyra Machida
Born and raised in Japan, emerging pop artist Kyra Machida has been surrounded by music since a veryyoung age. Her mom was a singer and would play a variety of music at home throughout Kyra’schildhood including Whitney Houston, Billie Holliday, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong and more. Growingup, Kyra’s family were consistent Churchgoers, and it led to Kyra singing in the choir for two years. Whenshe was eight years old, her dad took her to see Japanese popstar Amuro Namie andfor the first time,Kyrarealized her dream was to be an artist herself. Kyra took piano lessons, voice lessons and sang incontests at school, but it wasn’t until she turned 14 years old that she took being a full-time artist as aserious career path when she signed with a Japanese label. After years of hard work and persistence, herjourney brought her to Los Angeles to continue to pursue her goals and passion with her music. Withmusical influences such asImogen Heap and Pink Pantheress, Kyradescribes her sound as“a mix of R&Bmelodies, lush vocals, plush layering harmonies over drum and bass with electronic influencedproduction.”Kyra is making her debut with her single“Connect”which is aboutreconnecting with hertrue self after years of training to be in this industry. When asked what she wants fans to take away fromher forthcoming music, Kyra explains,“I want people tocherish and embrace individuality. For people tounapologetically be themselves.Be and live with who you are. That’s what this introductory chapter withmy new music is about.”Now with the impending debut of her music that represents her and herartistry, Kyra is readyto be at the top of everyone’s future pop playlists